The Rebirth of the Russian Space Program [Harvey, 2007] (softcover)

The Rebirth of the Russian Space Program looks at the Russian space programme in 2007, 50 years after Sputnik. Brian Harvey covers all the key elements of the current Russian space programme, from manned to unmanned missions; the various types of unmanned applications programmes; the military programme; the infrastructure of production, launch centres and tracking; the commercialization of the programme and its relationship with western companies; and the programme in a comparative global context. Strong emphasis is placed on Russia's future space intentions and on new programmes and missions in prospect, such as Soyuz in Kourou, Kliper, Phobos Grunt and the Angara launcher. End matter contains a list of all missions since January 1991 to December 2006. Contents Ch. 1: Almost the end Ch. 2: Building the International Space Station Ch. 3: Scientific and applications programs Ch. 4: Military programs Ch. 5: Launchers and engines Ch. 6: Launch sites Ch. 7: The design bureaus Ch. 8: Resurgent — the new projects

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 Other Items from Harvey

  The New Russian Space Programme: From Competition to Collaboration (Hardback) [Brian Harvey - 1996] - Brian Harvey
  Russia in Space - The Failed Frontier? (Softback) [Brian Harvey - 2001] - Brian Harvey
  Chinese Space Programme (Hardback) [Brian Harvey - 1998] - Brian Harvey
  Space Exploration 2008 [David Harland and Brian Harvey,2008] (softcover) - 
  Russian Planetary Exploration: History, Development, Legacy and Prospects[Brian Harvey, 2007] (softcover) - all about the Soviet/Russian 54 interplanetary spacecraft
  Soviet and Russian Lunar Exploration [Brian Harvey, 2007] (softcover) - Lunar space missions past, present and future
  The Rebirth of the Russian Space Program [Harvey, 2007] (softcover) - 
  Emerging Space Powers [Harvey,Smid,Pirard, 2010] (softcover) - The New Space Programs of Asia, the Middle East, and South America
  Europe's Space Programme: To Ariane and Beyond [Harvey,2003] (softcover) - 


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